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The Eastern Partnership: Time for an Eastern Policy of the EU? (2009:14epa)

January 2009 • Michalski Anna


The Eastern Partnership (EaP) was launched in May this year as a strengthened policy framework between the European Union and six countries in Eastern Europe and southern Caucasus. The overall aim of the partnership is to ensure stability and prosperity in a region that is characterized by stalled socio-economic and democratic reforms as well as ethnic tension and even armed conflict.

Samstämmighet mellan inre och yttre politik (2008:10epa)

January 2008 • Michalski Anna


When changes to the Lisbon Treaty are discussed it is often mentioned of the more forceful formulation in the area of EU external actions and the new posts created within the EU's institutional structure that is expected to lead to greater coherence. An equally important but less noticed policy that has also been written into the Treaty is that of consistency between internal and external policies.

The Dynamics of Enlargement: The Role of the EU in Candidate Countries (2006:4)

January 2006 • Bågenholm Andreas


Two years after the historic enlargement of the European Union, the attraction of membership is manifested by the long line of new applicant countries. This report studies the role of the EU in the domestic policy processes in the former and current applicant countries of Central and Eastern Europe, with a focus on the dynamics of the legal approximation process.

Armed and Ready? The EU Battlegroup Concept and the Nordic Battlegroup (2006:2)

January 2006 • Andersson Jan Joel


This report traces the origins of the EU decision to set up battlegroups, describes the underlying political and military concepts and analyses the challenges that the EU and its member states face in realising the Headline goal 2010, the plan adopted by the European defence ministers in June 2004 with the aim of improving European military capabilities. It also discusses the broader question of whether or not a military capability allows the EU to better achieve its goals.


Year of publication


