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Consumer´s interest and the EU: a framework for analysis, with evidence from the Italian case (2012:14epa)

January 2012 • Graziano Paolo


How is consumer interest representation, at both national and EU level, affected by European integration? How can the consumers´ influence in Europe be strengthened, and to what extent is it facilitated by the EU consumer policy? Finally, do the developments at national level affect the consumers’ political participation at the EU level? In this analysis, Paolo Graziano examines the EU consumers’ strategy with regard to its capacity to increase the role of consumers in the domestic and EU decision making. He illustrates the evolution of consumer interest groups both in the EU and nationally, looking specifically at the case of Italy.

Upphandling och arbete i EU (2010:3)

January 2010 • Bruun Niklas , Ahlberg Kerstin


Is it permissible, according to EU law, to take social considerations into account in the field of public procurement? Could one, for instance, promote gender equality, integration of disabled persons and good working conditions? The authors of the report Public Procurement and Labour in the EU believes that this is the case, but argues that Sweden could use this scope better than today. The report is in Swedish, but contains a summary in English.

The Socio-Economic Asymmetries of European Integration (2010:10epa)

January 2010 • Scharpf Fritz W.


In the Lisbon Treaty, the EU committed itself to the creation of a European "social market economy". But the European legislation that would be required to promote this goal still depends on qualified majorities in the Council and will therefore easily be blocked by the veto of member states preferring a "liberal market economy", argues the author of this new analysis within the SIEPS research project Social Europe.

Social and Employment Policy in the EU and in the Great Recession (2010:11epa)

January 2010 • Bertola Giuseppe


The recent financial and economic crisis had particularly severe employment and welfare implications for newly flexible labour markets. Only a coherent approach to the integration of markets and market-correcting policies may in the future prevent uncoordinated social and employment policies from endangering the political sustainability of economic integration, writes the author of this analysis.


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