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Svenskarnas attityder till EU har stabiliserats: Analys av SOM-institutets undersökning 2015

January 2016 • Berg Linda , Bové Klara


Swedish attitudes towards the EU are often described as ambiguous and utilitarian. In this Sieps analysis of the SOM Institute survey 2015, the authors elaborate on issues such as Swedish support for EU membership, attitudes towards a hypothetical Euro membership and the estimation of how the EU membership has affected Sweden in a number of areas.

Entering a World of Footloose Tax Bases: Can the EU Generate Its Own Income? (2015:8epa)

January 2015 • Tarschys Daniel


Expanding international exchange generates new collective needs that the nation states cannot satisfy, but also new sources of revenue from the digital economy and from the struggle against fiscal evasion. In this analysis, the author argues that to fund the provision of European collective goods, the EU must identify and pursue mobile tax bases that are not within the reach of the individual member states.


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