Korruption i Europa (2011:5)

January 2011 • Rothstein Bo , Lapuente Victor , Charron Nicholas


The quality of government shows considerable variation within and between EU member states. The authors of this report presents new and unique data of regional differences in the quality of government and a number of conclusions regarding what distinguish regions with high quality of government and low levels of corruption.

The European Treaty Amendment for the Creation of a Financial Stability Mechanism (2011:6epa)

January 2011 • De Witte Bruno


In response to the financial crisis that erupted in Greece, the European Council decided to amend the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to allow the establishment of a stability mechanism to safeguard the stability of the euro area. This is the first use made of one of the two ‘simplified’ Treaty revision procedures introduced by the Lisbon Treaty.


Year of publication


