The challenge of completing the EU internal market for natural gas

January 2015 • Boersma Tim


Managing the problem with gas interruptions to several EU countries in Central and Eastern Europe is one of the explicit goals of the European Energy Union. In order to enhance the diversification of energy suppliers, the Energy Union therefore emphasizes the extension of infrastructure and interconnections of pipelines between member states.

Completing the Union: Is the European Energy Union Really Real?

January 2015 • James Harold


In February 2015, the European Commission adopted its strategy for a European energy union. The document calls for “a fundamental transformation of Europe´s energy system” in order to provide all consumers in Europe with “secure, sustainable, competitive and affordable energy”.

The constitutional and historical relevance of the AFSJ and the CFSP/ESDP

January 2015 • Fichera Massimo


The historical development and legislative framework of, on the one hand, the area of freedom, security and justice (AFSJ) and the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) on the other reflect essential components of a security-identity continuum in the EU. The author of this analysis argues that these components exist in the form of a specific attitude of the EU to the global scene, illustrated by the EU’s attempts to export its own values.

The Regulatory Cooperation Chapter of the TTIP: Challenges and Opportunities

January 2015 • Alemanno Alberto


What distinguishes the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) from EU’s previous free trade agreements is that its focus is not so much on elimination of tariffs, but rather on reduction of regulatory barriers to trade. The system of regulatory cooperation, which the TTIP entails, is meant to achieve and sustain regulatory convergence between the parties, creating a “living agreement”, flexible to expand to new areas and adjustable to future regulatory developments.


Year of publication


