Could it be Brexpulsion rather than Brexit?

January 2015 • Begg Iain


On the path towards the UK’s upcoming in-out referendum, the UK faces three dilemmas: first, they seek shallower integration at a time when their peers want to deepen it; second, the antagonism to deepening may obstruct what is considered to be necessary changes for the EU and the Eurozone to function effectively; and third, the UK’s demands may spur similar initiatives from other member states who are discontent with aspects of their membership. The author of this European Policy Analysis warns that too far-reaching demands may cause other members to conclude they are better off without the UK.

The Usefulness of the Scoreboard of the Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure in the European Union: Potentials for Reform

January 2015 • Knedlik Tobias


Due to the financial crises in several EU member states, the EU has constructed a scoreboard of economic indicators to be used as an early warning system; future financial crises must be revealed at an earlier stage. The new scoreboard follows a ‘one size fits all’ approach, but research shows that country specifics makes early warning systems more accurate if they allow for different thresholds.

Investor-state arbitration under TTIP: Resolving investment disputes in an (autonomous) EU legal order (2015:2)

January 2015 • Lenk Hannes


The prospect of inclusion of the investment-state dispute settlement (ISDS) in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), gave rise to heated debate and strong criticism in many EU countries. The initially much polarised either-or discussion has recently gained a more nuanced tone with Trade Commissioner’s Cecilia Malmström’s opening up for a reform of ISDS.

Transatlantic Market Integration, Business and Regulation: Building on the WTO (2015:11epa)

January 2015 • Hoekman Bernard , Mavroidis Petros C.


The big regional trade agreements such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, TTIP, could significantly affect the world trading system. How and to what extent will these agreements generate gains from trade and reduce transatlantic trade costs? And what will they mean for third parties? This policy brief reviews some of the recent analyses and discusses how the TTIP could usefully draw on the experience in the World Trade Organization, WTO, to enhance transparency, and the scope for third parties to raise issues related to regulatory barriers to trade.


Year of publication


