Subsidiaritetskontroll i nationella parlament och EU-domstolens ansvar för att kontrollen fungerar (2014:8epa)

January 2014 • Wetter Ryde Anna


For about fifteen years, the European Commission has taken initiatives to provide better regulation. Since the introduction of the early warning mechanism, enabling the national parliaments to have a say on whether or not the legislative proposals comply with the principle of subsidiarity, it is arguably even more important that the legislative proposals maintain a high degree of quality.

Scrutiny in Challenging Times - National Parliaments in the Eurozone Crisis (2014:1epa)

January 2014 • Auel Katrin , Höing Oliver


National parliaments are often thought of as having lost substantial powers due to European integration. In what way has the rapid decision-making of the EU during the Eurozone crisis affected national parliaments within the Union? In this publication, political scientists Katrin Auel and Oliver Höing present their analysis of activity within the national parliaments of the EU during the Eurozone crisis.

Making Sense of Subsidiarity and the Early Warning Mechanism – A Constitutional Dialogue? (2014:9epa)

January 2014 • Hettne Jörgen


Through the Lisbon Treaty, the national parliaments were entrusted with the task of reviewing proposals of EU legislation in the light of the principle of subsidiarity, a task which in the special protocol on subsidiarity is called the Early Warning Mechanism. In this analysis the author argues that the review should be seen as a constitutional dialogue and not as a narrow legal control.

A Comparative Framing of Fundamental Rights Challenges to Social Crisis Measures in the Eurozone (2014:7epa)

January 2014 • De Witte Bruno , Kilpatrick Claire


The Eurozone crisis and its management prompted dramatic changes to social rights and entitlements, specifically in the Member States which were most severely affected by the economic downturn. Fundamental rights, including fundamental social rights, from different sources can be a means to contest those crisis-imposed changes.


Year of publication


