Scrutiny in Challenging Times - National Parliaments in the Eurozone Crisis (2014:1epa) January 2014 • Auel Katrin , Höing Oliver Analysis National parliaments are often thought of as having lost substantial powers due to European integration. In what way has the rapid decision-making of the EU during the Eurozone crisis affected national parliaments within the Union? In this publication, political scientists Katrin Auel and Oliver Höing present their analysis of activity within the national parliaments of the EU during the Eurozone crisis. EU:s uppbyggnad och styrning Opinionsfallet för EU bromsar upp (2014:5epa) January 2014 • Holmberg Sören Analysis The fall in Swedish public opinion on European integration has come to a halt. The polls from late 2013 even show a slight increase in the pro-EU attitudes among the Swedes. Medlemsstaterna Making Sense of Subsidiarity and the Early Warning Mechanism – A Constitutional Dialogue? (2014:9epa) January 2014 • Hettne Jörgen Analysis Through the Lisbon Treaty, the national parliaments were entrusted with the task of reviewing proposals of EU legislation in the light of the principle of subsidiarity, a task which in the special protocol on subsidiarity is called the Early Warning Mechanism. In this analysis the author argues that the review should be seen as a constitutional dialogue and not as a narrow legal control. EU:s uppbyggnad och styrning EU:s strukturpolitik i Rumänien: Kan den bli en hävstång för romerna? (2014:6epa) January 2014 • Tarschys Daniel Analysis Beggars have increasingly become a common sight in Swedish cities. This, in turn, has led to a renewed discussion on the situation for the Roma in Southeast Europe. Medlemsstaterna Between a rock and a hard place: the future of EU treaty revisions (2014:2epa) January 2014 • Closa Carlos Analysis The European economic crisis revived the discussion on future treaty revision. However, stringency of the revision procedure based on unanimity requirement presented an obstacle to fast resolution of complicated problems posed by the crisis. EU:s uppbyggnad och styrning A Comparative Framing of Fundamental Rights Challenges to Social Crisis Measures in the Eurozone (2014:7epa) January 2014 • De Witte Bruno , Kilpatrick Claire Analysis The Eurozone crisis and its management prompted dramatic changes to social rights and entitlements, specifically in the Member States which were most severely affected by the economic downturn. Fundamental rights, including fundamental social rights, from different sources can be a means to contest those crisis-imposed changes. September 2013 Report Professor Christopher Lord, author of the present report On the Legitimacy of Monetary Union argues that both economists and political scientists have often failed to ask one of the most central questions, namely whether the monetary union can be considered legitimate. EU:s uppbyggnad och styrning The Future of the Schengen System (2013:6) January 2013 • Peers Steve Report The Schengen system is one of the core achievements of the European integration process. This system, which permits those who are present in any of the Schengen States to cross the borders without being checked, assumes a considerable degree of harmonization and mutual trust among those states. Asyl och migration States as Market Participants in the U.S. and the EU? Public purchasing and the environment (2013:2) January 2013 • Czarnezki Jason J. Report A much discussed topic in the European Union is how public procurement may be used to support general societal goals, such as good environmental protection. But to what extent is it actually possible for public authorities to use procurement in order to achieve non-economic goals? In this report, the situation in Europe is compared with the one in the United States. Inre marknad Regulating Lifestyles in Europe: How to prevent and control Non-Communicable Diseases associated with tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy diets? (2013:7) January 2013 • Garde Amandine , Alemanno Alberto Report During the last decade, European Union has undertaken a range of measures aiming at prevention and control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). Regulation of the so called ‘lifestyle risks’ is, however, not uncontroversial. Sociala Europa 18 19 20 21 22 Filter Categories EU:s budget Externa relationer Inre marknad Sociala Europa Asyl och migration Medlemsstaterna Sverige och EU EU:s uppbyggnad och styrning Brexit EU:s framtid Year of publication From 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 To 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 Author Adelle Camilla Adler-Nissen Rebecca Aggestam Lisbeth Ahlberg Kerstin Alemanno Alberto Alexander Shannon Allen Michael Allroth Emanuel Almer Josefin Andersson Hans E Andersson Jan Joel Anesi Francesco Anghel Veronica Anxo Dominique Armstrong Carolyn Auel Katrin Averre Derek Bågenholm Andreas Baldock David Barry Linda Bartovic Vladimír Beck Thorsten Becker Torbjörn Begg Iain Belfrage Carljohan Benedetto Giacomo Bengtsson Louise Bengtsson Rikard Benöhr Iris Berg Linda Berggren Niclas Bergh Andreas Bergström Carl Fredrik Bergström Carl-Fredrik Bergström Maria Bergvall Daniel Bernitz Ulf Bertola Giuseppe Best Edward Björkdahl Annika Björklund Anders Bjørnskov Christian Blockmans Steven Blomgren Magnus Blomquist Johan Boersma Tim Borglund Tommy Borrás Susana Börzel Tanja Boschini Ann D Bossuyt Fabienne Bové Klara Brady Mark Broberg Morten Bruun Niklas Bruzelius Anette Bull Thomas Bunse Simone Bursens Peter Butler Graham Buylova Alexandra Calmfors Lars Cameron Iain Campos Nauro F. Capoccia Giovanni Cardwell Michael Cassina Wolff Elisabetta Chambon Nadege Charron Nicholas Chiavari Joanna Ciğer Meltem Ineli Claes Monica Closa Carlos Collignon Stefan Coricelli Fabrizio Cornell Svante E Cramér Per Cremona Marise Crum Ben Cseres Katalin Curtin Deirdre Czarnezki Jason J. Dahlquist Joel Darpö Jan De Baere Geert de Jong Jaques de Jong Sijbren De Witte Bruno Dellmuth Lisa Demes Pavol Destais Christophe Dimdins Girts Dimitrakopoulos Dionyssis G. Dimitrova Antoaneta Doyle Nicola Drieskens Edith Duke Simon Dumont Patrick Eckes Christina Edwards Geoffrey Edwardsson Eva Ekengren Magnus Ekholm Karolina Elgström Ole Engberg Katarina Engström Mats Epstein Alicia Ericson Thomas Erik Jones Eriksson Jonas Eriksson Rickard Erlandsson Magnus Fabbrini Sergio Fabry Elvire Fägersten Björn Fägersten Björn Fåhraeus David Far Shahrazad Farrell Henry Fernández Arrigoitia Melissa Fernández-Huertas Moraga Jesús Fichera Massimo Figueira Filipa Finkhafner Danica Fiott Daniel Flam Harry Flodén Martin Føllesdal Andreas Forslid Rikard Fouché Morgane Franklin Mark N. Freixas Xavier Fritz Maria Frostenson Magnus Gaco Nevena Gänzle Stefan Garde Amandine Geddes Andrew Gerdes Christer Gerlach Stefan Gherardi Maddalena Glenn John K Goeters Hanna Graziano Paolo Groussot Xavier Grundler Maja Guild Elspeth Gumbrell-McCormick Rebecca Gunneflo Markus Gustafsson Allan Gustafsson Marie Gustavsson Patrik Gustavsson Sverker GustavssonTingvall Patrik Hagemann Sara Håkansson Calle Halje Lovisa Hammarlund Cecilia Hancher Leigh Hassing Nielsen Julie Haukkala Hiski Hayesrenshaw Fiona Hegeland Hans Hegelund Erik Hein Heili Heinemann Friedrich Hellner Michael Helwig Niklas Hercock Edwin Héritier Adrienne Herlin-Karnell Ester Herrmann Christoph Hettne Björn Hettne Jörgen Hill Christopher Hillion Christophe Hix Simon Hjeds Löfmark Monika Hoekman Bernard Höing Oliver Höjgård Sören Holdgaard Rass Hollander Saskia Holm Emma Holmberg Sören Höpner Martin Hughes Gerard Hughes Kirsty Huhe Narisong Hyman Richard Ilse van Liempt Inghammar Andreas Iossifov Plamen Iso-Markku Tuomas Jabko Nicolas James Harold Jerneck Magnus Joerges Christian Johansson Caroline Johansson Karl Magnus Johansson Linda Johansson Markus Johansson Sebastian Jokela Juha Jolivet Annie Jonas Eriksson Jones Erik Jonsson Håkan Jonung Lars Jorge Núñez Ferrer Jungar Ann-Cathrine Jupille Joseph Kaiafa-Gbandi Maria Kaiser Robert Karageorgiou Eleni Karlsson Bengt O Karlsson Christer Karpestam Peter Kaspersson Eva Katak Malla Katakalou Evangelia I. Kelemen R. Daniel Kern Kristine Kilpatrick Claire Knedlik Tobias Kochenov Dimitry Kokko Ari Kölling Mario König Christian Konstadinides Theodore Korosteleva Elena A. Koutrakos Panos Kral David Kreilinger Valentin Kunhardt Ludger Kurpas Sebastian Kuusik Piret Lajh Damjan Lane Philip R. Langdal Fredrik Lapuente Victor Larsson Anna Larsson Olof Larsson Sara Larsson Torbjörn Le Coq Chloé Lefebvre Maxime Leigh Michael Leijonhufvud Axel Leissner Maria Lejour Arjan Lenaerts Koen Lenk Hannes Lequesne Christian Lewander Jakob Lind Anna-Sara Lindahl Rutger Lippert Barbara Lokrantz Bernitz Hedvig Lord Christopher Luif Paul Lundborg Per Lunde Jens Lundgren Anna Lundgren Magnus M. Radaelli Claudio Madeline Zavodny Madell Tom Magnette Paul Malla Katak Malmberg Jonas Männasoo Kadri Manners Ian Mathä Thomas Matthews Alan Mavroidis Petros C. Maza Adolfo Melia Tom Mény Yves Mergaert Lut Meyrowitsch Anna Michalski Anna Moberg Andreas Molander Per Molina Ignacio Molle Willem Monar Jörg Monika Hjeds Löfmark Montgomery Henry Moravcsik Andrew Moretti Luigi Morijn John Mörth Ulrika Myant Martin Nasiritousi Naghmeh Naurin Daniel Nergelius Joakim Neugebauer Katja Nicolaïdis Kalypso Nilsson Irene Nissen Christine Noll Gregor Nordström Håkan Noury Abdul Núñez Ferrer Jorge Öberg Jacob Öberg Ulf Olofsson Jonas Olovsson Conny Orbie Jan Pallemaerts Marc Paltseva Elena Pan Zhongqi Papadopoulos Yannis Parkes Roderick Parusel Bernd Passas Argyris G. Peers Steve Pérez-Nievas Santiago Martín Irene Persson Gunnar Persson Mats Persson Thomas Lindgren Karl-Oskar Petursson Gunnar Thor Pia M. Orrenius Piotr Maciej Kaczyński Podpiera Jiri Poirier Philipe Popa Sebastian Adrian Popov Julian Prange-Gstöhl Heiko Priks Mikael Próchniak Mariusz Puetter Uwe Puntscher Riekmann Sonja Rabinowicz Ewa Radaelli Claudio Raik Kristi Rapacki Ryszard Rapoport Hillel Rappold Julian Ratcovich Martin Reichel Jane RicardNihoul Gaetane Riddervold Marianne Riecke Henning Rigackova Vera Rijks David Ritleng Dominique Romsics Gergely Rönnelid Love Rosas Allan Rosén Sundström Malena Rosselli Chiara Rothstein Bo Rotkirch Matilda Rozenberg Olivier Russack Sophia Ruubel Raul Sajó András Sánchez-Barrueco Maria-Luisa Sapir André Scanlon Kathleen Scharpf Fritz W. Scheppele Kim Lane Schimmelfennig Frank Schmitt Hermann Schout Adriaan Schwarzer Daniela Šešelgytė Margarita Seyad Sideek Mohamed Shaw Jo Sieps Sigurbjörnsdottir Asta Sollilja Sikström Henrik Sindbjerg Martinsen Dorte Slokenberga Santa Söderbaum Fredrik Södersten Anna Sonja Bekker Sørensen Catharina Spaventa Eleanor Spendzharova Aneta Spieker Luke Dimitrios Ståhl Kristina Stålgren Patrik Stavlöt Ulrika Stennek Johan Strand Magnus Ström Melin Annika Swanström Niklas Szemler Tamas Takács Judit Tallberg Jonas Tangerås Thomas P Tarschys Daniel Tesser Lynn M. The European Economic Advisory Group Thielemann Eiko Thilemann Eiko Thomson Robert Thorburn Stern Rebecca Tjernberg Mats Töglhofer Theresia Uthemann Andreas Vachudova Milada Anna Vahl Marius Van Aken Wim van der Linde Coby Van Elsuwege Peter Van Hecke Steven van Keulen Mendeltje van Middelaar Luuk Van Vooren Bart Vandercam Charlotte Vanhercke Bart Varfolomieieva Valeriia Vaznonytė Austė Végh Zsuzsanna Villaverde José Vlachos Jonas von Bogdandy Armin von Meijenfeldt Roel von Sydow Göran Vos Ellen Vukov Visnja Wadensjö Eskil Wakefield Jill Waldo Staffan Wall Gustaf Wallace Helen Wessel Ramses Wessel Ramses A. Westberg Jacob Wetter Ryde Anna Whitehead Christine Widgren Mika Wójcik Anna Wong Christoffer Woolcock Stephen Woolcock Steve Wostner Peter Wouters Jan Wredenfors Pernilla Youngs Richard Zeitlin Jonathan Zemskova Anna Zetterquist Ola Zurek Karolina
Scrutiny in Challenging Times - National Parliaments in the Eurozone Crisis (2014:1epa) January 2014 • Auel Katrin , Höing Oliver Analysis National parliaments are often thought of as having lost substantial powers due to European integration. In what way has the rapid decision-making of the EU during the Eurozone crisis affected national parliaments within the Union? In this publication, political scientists Katrin Auel and Oliver Höing present their analysis of activity within the national parliaments of the EU during the Eurozone crisis. EU:s uppbyggnad och styrning
Opinionsfallet för EU bromsar upp (2014:5epa) January 2014 • Holmberg Sören Analysis The fall in Swedish public opinion on European integration has come to a halt. The polls from late 2013 even show a slight increase in the pro-EU attitudes among the Swedes. Medlemsstaterna
Making Sense of Subsidiarity and the Early Warning Mechanism – A Constitutional Dialogue? (2014:9epa) January 2014 • Hettne Jörgen Analysis Through the Lisbon Treaty, the national parliaments were entrusted with the task of reviewing proposals of EU legislation in the light of the principle of subsidiarity, a task which in the special protocol on subsidiarity is called the Early Warning Mechanism. In this analysis the author argues that the review should be seen as a constitutional dialogue and not as a narrow legal control. EU:s uppbyggnad och styrning
EU:s strukturpolitik i Rumänien: Kan den bli en hävstång för romerna? (2014:6epa) January 2014 • Tarschys Daniel Analysis Beggars have increasingly become a common sight in Swedish cities. This, in turn, has led to a renewed discussion on the situation for the Roma in Southeast Europe. Medlemsstaterna
Between a rock and a hard place: the future of EU treaty revisions (2014:2epa) January 2014 • Closa Carlos Analysis The European economic crisis revived the discussion on future treaty revision. However, stringency of the revision procedure based on unanimity requirement presented an obstacle to fast resolution of complicated problems posed by the crisis. EU:s uppbyggnad och styrning
A Comparative Framing of Fundamental Rights Challenges to Social Crisis Measures in the Eurozone (2014:7epa) January 2014 • De Witte Bruno , Kilpatrick Claire Analysis The Eurozone crisis and its management prompted dramatic changes to social rights and entitlements, specifically in the Member States which were most severely affected by the economic downturn. Fundamental rights, including fundamental social rights, from different sources can be a means to contest those crisis-imposed changes.
September 2013 Report Professor Christopher Lord, author of the present report On the Legitimacy of Monetary Union argues that both economists and political scientists have often failed to ask one of the most central questions, namely whether the monetary union can be considered legitimate. EU:s uppbyggnad och styrning
The Future of the Schengen System (2013:6) January 2013 • Peers Steve Report The Schengen system is one of the core achievements of the European integration process. This system, which permits those who are present in any of the Schengen States to cross the borders without being checked, assumes a considerable degree of harmonization and mutual trust among those states. Asyl och migration
States as Market Participants in the U.S. and the EU? Public purchasing and the environment (2013:2) January 2013 • Czarnezki Jason J. Report A much discussed topic in the European Union is how public procurement may be used to support general societal goals, such as good environmental protection. But to what extent is it actually possible for public authorities to use procurement in order to achieve non-economic goals? In this report, the situation in Europe is compared with the one in the United States. Inre marknad
Regulating Lifestyles in Europe: How to prevent and control Non-Communicable Diseases associated with tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy diets? (2013:7) January 2013 • Garde Amandine , Alemanno Alberto Report During the last decade, European Union has undertaken a range of measures aiming at prevention and control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). Regulation of the so called ‘lifestyle risks’ is, however, not uncontroversial. Sociala Europa