Why the 2014 European Elections Matter: Ten Key Votes in the 2009-2013 European Parliament (2013:15epa)

January 2013 • Hix Simon


The European Parliament elections in May 2014 will be the most important to date. With the new powers of the European Parliament under the Lisbon Treaty, a new majority will shape EU policies in many important areas, from regulation of the single market to the free movement of persons, international trade agreements, reform of the common agricultural policy, carbon taxes, and so on.

Vad återstår av det europeiska integrationsprojektet? (2013:4epa)

January 2013 • Joerges Christian


Where is Europe heading and what is left of the integration though law project? At the time of the greatest crisis facing the EU since its inception, it is important to see things in its context and think about the developments at hand in the light of the grander transformations that constituted the Union.  In this EPA, Christian Joerges offers his view of the “bigger picture” and reconstructs the trajectories of European integration in the conflicts law perspective.

The outer reach of state obligations under deposit guarantee schemes – What can we learn from the Icesave case? (2013:18epa)

January 2013 • Petursson Gunnar Thor , Sigurbjörnsdottir Asta Sollilja


On 28 January 2013, the EFTA Court passed a judgment in the so called Icesave case, regarding Iceland’s rules on the protection of savers’ deposits following the collapse of all its major banks in the autumn of 2008. In the opinion of the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA), this constituted a breach of the EU Directive on deposit-guarantee schemes.


Year of publication


