Strategic Use of Public Procurement – Limits and Opportunities (2013:7epa)

January 2013 • Hettne Jörgen


According to the Europe 2020 strategy, public authorities in the European Union should make better use of public procurement in support of general societal goals such as good environmental protection and social conditions. This analysis discusses the proposal from the European Commission on new procurement rules that will enhance strategic use of public procurement.

Enlarging the European Union and deepening its fundamental rights protection (2013:11epa)

January 2013 • Hillion Christophe


Respect for human rights is a value upon which the European Union is founded, and a precondition for an aspirant state to be considered as a candidate for membership. Contrasting the fundamental rights discourse developing in the EU enlargement context and the situation within the EU, this European Policy Analysis shows the recurrent distortion between internal and external EU fundamental rights regimes, and sheds light on the on-going discussion to find ways of addressing it.


Year of publication


