The EU and Climate Treaty Negotiations after the Durban Conference (2012:2epa)

January 2012 • Katak Malla


The EU has been and remains committed to concluding a comprehensive climate agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In this paper, outcomes of the latest round of negotiations, based on the UNFCCC and held at the Durban Climate Conference (2011), are assessed from the perspective of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, focusing on some critical questions.

The Commission´s Posting Package (2012:8epa)

January 2012 • Malmberg Jonas , Johansson Caroline


In March 2012, the European Commission presented two legislative proposals in the field of posting of workers, which constitute a response to the intense debate following the CJEU’s rulings in the Laval quartet. The first proposal, the Monti II-Regulation, attempts to clarify the relationship between the right to take collective action and the economic freedoms, while the second one, the Enforcement Directive, aims at improving the enforcement of the Posting of Workers Directive, through equally ensuring workers’ rights and enhancing cross-border services by reducing employers’ administrative burdens.

Response to Crisis (2012:12epa)

January 2012 • Leijonhufvud Axel


The lessons learned from the banking panics preceding World War II had been all but forgotten when the financial crisis erupted five years ago. This European Policy Analysis advocates two reforms to reduce the likelihood of another financial calamity.

Evaluating the Prospects for Enhanced Solidarity in the Common European Asylum System (2012:15epa)

January 2012 • Thielemann Eiko , Armstrong Carolyn


In light of volatile and highly uneven distribution of asylum applications across the European Union, the European Commission issued a communication in December 2011 “on enhanced intra-EU solidarity in the field of asylum” that seeks to create “an EU agenda for better responsibility sharing and more mutual trust” between Member States. In this European Policy Analysis the authors argue that even though many of the recommendations made by the Commission should be encouraged, they fail to address the structural, institutional features of the system ‒ namely the distribution key for financial responsibility sharing and the responsibility allocation principle underlying physical responsibility sharing ‒ which are perpetuating existing inequalities.

Eurobonds, Flight to Quality, and TARGET2 Imbalances (2012:4epa)

January 2012 • Erik Jones


Despite the fierce opposition against introducing so-called Eurobonds, the proposal as such has resurfaced in light of demands from G20 and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that the euro area member states further increase the lending volume of their rescue funds. Given the lack of political response, the European Central Bank (ECB) has come to the rescue by buying government bonds and stimulated the financial markets with low-interest loans in order to reduce the systemic risk.

Consumer´s interest and the EU: a framework for analysis, with evidence from the Italian case (2012:14epa)

January 2012 • Graziano Paolo


How is consumer interest representation, at both national and EU level, affected by European integration? How can the consumers´ influence in Europe be strengthened, and to what extent is it facilitated by the EU consumer policy? Finally, do the developments at national level affect the consumers’ political participation at the EU level? In this analysis, Paolo Graziano examines the EU consumers’ strategy with regard to its capacity to increase the role of consumers in the domestic and EU decision making. He illustrates the evolution of consumer interest groups both in the EU and nationally, looking specifically at the case of Italy.

Common Fisheries Policy Reform and Sustainability (2012:6epa)

January 2012 • Wakefield Jill


Announced in 2011, the proposal for reforming the European Unions’ Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) marks an important shift of emphasis of the policy objectives, towards environmental sustainability. It describes the conservation of marine biological resources as a fundamental pillar of the CFP and, for the first time, sets forth a quantifiable target — the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) — to be achieved within a set time perspective.


Year of publication


