Mollifying Everyone, Pleasing No-one? An Assessment of the EU Budget Review (2010:14epa)

January 2010 • Begg Iain


In October 2010 the European Commission finally released the communication on the 2008/9 review of the EU budget. Professor Iain Begg concludes in his analysis that even though the political obstacles to EU budget reform are formidable, there should be plenty to debate in months to come, for example which expenditures to cut; what to do with the CAP; and a number of aspects related to Cohesion policy.

The Impact of the Euro on International Trade and Investment (2009:8)

January 2009 • Flam Harry


 The common currency, the euro, and the common monetary policy were introduced in the EU in 1999 to improve the internal market, under the slogan “One Market, One Money”. It was expected that the common currency would promote more trade and investment between the countries that joined the European currency union.

Migration as Foreign Policy? (2009:2)

January 2009 • Geddes Andrew


The external dimension of the European Union’s policy on migration and asylum has become an increasingly important feature of the Union’s relations with third countries. It is shaped not only by the foreign policy interests of the member states but also by changes in internal politics of the member states.


Year of publication


