The Rule of Law in the EU: Crisis and Solutions

June 2023 • von Bogdandy Armin , Claes Monica , Groussot Xavier , Kelemen R. Daniel , Kochenov Dimitry , Lenaerts Koen , Manners Ian , Moberg Andreas , Morijn John , Nergelius Joakim , Reichel Jane , Rosas Allan , Sajó András , Spieker Luke Dimitrios , Scheppele Kim Lane , Wójcik Anna , Zemskova Anna , Södersten Anna , Hercock Edwin


The EU Treaties proclaim the rule of law to be one of the Union’s founding values. Ongoing violations of it are therefore a major concern. In this SIEPS anthology, prominent legal scholars, political scientists and practitioners consider the scale of problem and examine attempted and potential solutions. (2023:1op)

Open Strategic Autonomy: New Challenges for the EU’s Common Commercial Policy

June 2023 • Herrmann Christoph


The global economy and international trade have changed significantly since the fall of the Berlin wall. In this analysis, Christoph Herrmann (University of Passau) outlines how the EU has responded to the new geo-economic situation. He argues that while pursuing strategic autonomy is reasonable, in doing so the EU risks overstepping the bounds of legality. (2023:9epa)

A New Phase in EU Climate Geopolitics: Steps Forward and Back

June 2023 • Youngs Richard


For the EU, climate policy is a source of economic growth and modernisation, but also an integral part of its common foreign and security policy; its geopolitics. In this European Policy Analysis, Richard Youngs (University of Warwick) takes stock of the EU’s thinking and action on climate geopolitics, noting the impacts – positive and negative – of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. (2023:8epa)

National Parliaments’ Political Dialogue with the European Commission

May 2023 • Kreilinger Valentin


The role of national parliaments in the work of the EU has increased over time. Through the ‘Political dialogue’ they have the opportunity to interact directly with the European Commission. In this European Policy Analysis, SIEPS Senior Researcher Valentin Kreilinger examines how national parliaments use the dialogue and proposes some ways in which it could be enhanced. (2023:6epa)

The European Court of Human Rights and Rule of Law Backsliding

March 2023 • Cameron Iain


The rule of law has been badly damaged in some EU Member States, and a central feature of this has been the weakening of the independence of the judiciary. In this European Policy Analysis, Iain Cameron, Professor of Public International Law at Uppsala University, examines the case law of the European Court of Human Rights on judicial independence and describes how it can interact with the EU’s work to defend the rule of law. (2023:4epa)

Energy Efficiency in Central and Eastern Europe: an Elephant in the Room

March 2023 • Popov Julian


Western Europe’s energy efficiency is nothing to write home about, but the situation in Central and Eastern Europe is even worse. This has negative consequences for the region’s health, wealth and security. In this European Policy Analysis, the former Bulgarian Minister for the Environment Julian Popov describes the problem and suggests some national and EU-level solutions. (2023:3epa)

The external dimension of EU migration policy – new proposals, possibilities, and risks

February 2023 • Parusel Bernd


Under the pressure of an increased number of irregular arrivals and asylum applications in 2022, and while negotiations on the reform of the Common European Asylum System are ongoing, the EU is – again – searching for solutions outside EU territory. SIEPS senior researcher Bernd Parusel recapitulates the ‘external dimension’ of EU migration policy and discusses some of the ideas currently on the table. (February 2023)


Year of publication


