The Invisible Transformation of Codecision: Problems of Democratic Legitimacy (2003:7)

January 2003 • Héritier Adrienne , Farrell Henry


The relationship between Council and Parliament within the codecision procedure involves a plethora of informal and semi-formal meetings in which many of the real decisions about legislation are taken, with little scope for public oversight. In the light of the current debate on the future of European Union, the report will address the question what this informalization of the decision-making process means for the legitimacy of the legislative process.

Skatterna - konkurrens eller harmonisering? (2003:6)

January 2003 • Persson Mats


The purpose of the report is to give an overview of economic literature on three questions: the risk of tax competition between European countries; the welfare effects of a possible tax competition; and the possibilities of correcting any such development through tax harmonisation. The author contends that there are two points of view for those who welcome globalisation and tax competition.

Reinventing Cohesion: The Future of European Structural Policy (2003:17)

January 2003 • Tarschys Daniel


Denna studie ifrågasätter tre centrala antaganden som ligger bakom EU: s strukturpolitik och hävdar att de regionala skillnaderna i EU-15 är mycket mindre än de normalt uppges vara, att de strukturpolitiska åtgärderna har en mycket begränsad påverkan på konvergens, och att konvergens har en mycket begränsad inverkan på sammanhållningen. Tre alternativ till den nuvarande politiska ramen förtjänar allvarlig diskussion.

Decentralized Agencies and the IGC: A Question of Accountability (2003:14)

January 2003 • Rotkirch Matilda , Bergström Carl Fredrik


The aim of this report is to identify some of those features which, since they are shared by all or some of the existing agencies, are essential in order to explain their legal nature and to highlight some problems that should be addressed in the process leading up to the adoption of a new constitutional treaty. At present, the role of decentralized agencies is premised on the Court of Justice’s idea of an institutional balance of powers, requiring an EU-institution to assume full responsibility.


Year of publication


