Junckerplanen under debatt

January 2017 • Tarschys Daniel


The European Commission´s investment plan – the so called Juncker Plan – aims to promote investments in the EU. In this European Policy Analysis, Daniel Tarchys explains the investment plan, which consists of three parts.

The European Commission: Less a Leader and More a Manager?

January 2017 • Nugent Neill , Rhinard Mark


What, really, is the role of the European Commission? In this European policy analysis, researchers Mark Rhinard and Neill Nugent analyse the nature of the Commission. They pose the question of whether the Commission is more of a policy leader – charged with initiating policy and legislative proposals that will advance the interests of the EU as a whole – or more of an administrative body, charged with an array of executive tasks.

The Obsolescence of the European Neighbourhood Policy

January 2017 • Blockmans Steven


The Treaty of Lisbon introduced a mandate for the EU to develop a special relationship with its neighbouring countries. How has this mandate impacted, if at all, the so-called European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) which the Union had developed in the wake of its eastern enlargement? And more generally, how has the ENP evolved in view of the new realities on the ground? These are some of the questions that Professor Steven Blockmans explores in this tenth report which SIEPS publishes in the context of its research project The EU external action and the Treaty of Lisbon.

Fiske i fjärran vatten: En studie om EU:s fiskeriavtal med utvecklingsländer

January 2016 • Blomquist Johan , Hammarlund Cecilia , Waldo Staffan


For some developing countries, the compensation for fisheries agreements with the European Union constitutes 30–50 per cent of the total government budget. In this report, Johan Blomquist, Cecilia Hammarlund and Staffan Waldo (AgriFood Economics Centre) analyse the effects of the EU’s partnership agreements with countries in Western Africa, the Pacific and the Indian Ocean.


Year of publication


