Fiske i fjärran vatten: En studie om EU:s fiskeriavtal med utvecklingsländer

January 2016 • Blomquist Johan , Hammarlund Cecilia , Waldo Staffan


For some developing countries, the compensation for fisheries agreements with the European Union constitutes 30–50 per cent of the total government budget. In this report, Johan Blomquist, Cecilia Hammarlund and Staffan Waldo (AgriFood Economics Centre) analyse the effects of the EU’s partnership agreements with countries in Western Africa, the Pacific and the Indian Ocean.

Linked National Public Authorities – a Study on IMI

January 2016 • Wall Gustaf


The presence of effective tools for cooperation and mutual assistance between national authorities is essential to bring effectiveness to the internal market. The Internal Market Information System (IMI) is one such tool used to remove obstacles to the internal market by offering a technical information system which helps linking together national authorities in various political fields.


Year of publication


