Recent publications in English

Widening Without Falling Apart: Germany’s EU Enlargement Policy

What is Germany’s view on enlargement? In this European Policy Analysis, Theresia Töglhofer (German Council on Foreign Relations) describes the evolution of Berlin’s policy on the future shape of the EU. Consolidation was once seen as a prerequisite, now the geopolitical context means that the enlargement of a (reformed) Union is considered vital. (2024:13epa)

CBAM: Bending the carbon curve or breaking international trade?

The EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a cornerstone of the EU’s trade and climate policy. Alexandra Buylova and Naghmeh Nasiritousi present the tool, consider its potential global impacts, and discuss how the EU can minimize unwanted side effects. (2024:9epa)

Restoring the Borderless Schengen Area: Mission Impossible?

The increase in border checks within the Schengen zone, since 2015, has prompted a recent EU strategy to ‘save Schengen’. But according to expert on EU law Steve Peers, the ongoing changes are unlikely to restore a fundamentally border-free travel area. (2024:12epa)

The 2024 European Parliament Elections: Potential Outcome and Consequences

The European Parliament elections in June take place in a fragmented political landscape. Political scientists Simon Hix and Abdul Noury consider the expected election results, which point to unstable majorities and a challenge when it comes to build a majority for the election of the Commission President. (2024:10epa)

Von der Leyen’s Geopolitical Commission: Vindicated by Events?

On taking office in 2019, Ursula von der Leyen declared that she would lead a ‘geopolitical’ Commission. In this analysis, political scientist Calle Håkansson shows that this ambition had a larger impact than many expected. Developments since also point to a continued active and strategic role for the European Commission. (2024:7epa)

Fit for 35 Forum

A new SIEPS forum where experts from research, policy and think tanks present their thoughts on EU reform and enlargement in short texts.

EU Enlargement: Exporting Stability or Importing Instability?

April 2024 Leigh Michael

Despite the security risks involved, there can be no going back on the EU’s commitment to a renewed enlargement process. Professor Michael Leigh outlines what steps policymakers need to take to fulfil the EU’s aspiration of securing stability. (3 April 2024)

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Fit for 35 Forum

The EU is likely to eventually have up to thirty-five members and will need to adapt to accommodate them. SIEPS asks leading experts what the Union can or should do to be ‘Fit for 35’.

Conference on the rule of law

Watch recordings from the conference ”The Rule of Law: Crisis and Solutions”. The conference, co-organised by SIEPS on 17–18 April 2023, brought together distinguished scholars, policy-makers and practitioners to discuss the future of the rule of law in the EU.

SIEPS' research areas

The EU's political, economic and constitutional system represents one of SIEPS' research areas. Explore a selection of publications and seminars within this field.