Anna Södersten

Senior Researcher in Law (on leave)

Anna Södersten is a senior researcher in law. Her research interests focus on EU institutional and constitutional law. She is currently working on issues related to the EU’s legislative procedure, treaty revision, and the rule of law. Her research interests also include EU energy law and EU external relation law.

She received her doctorate in Law in 2014 at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence. She also previously received an LLM from the Law Department at Stockholm University and a master’s in political science at Lund University.

Before joining SIEPS, Anna Södersten taught at the Law Department at Uppsala University, and she served as research associate at the EUI (working with professor Joseph Weiler) and as the associate editor of the International Journal of Constitutional Law. She has also previously worked as researcher at SIEPS and served as amanuensis at Stockholm University.

She is the author of the monography Euratom at the Crossroads (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018), editor of the anthology A Companion to European Law and International Law (Wiley-Blackwell, 2016), and author of numerous articles and book chapters on EU institutional and constitutional law.


Selection of publications

The Rule of Law in the EU: Crisis and Solutions (edited volume), SIEPS 2023.

Rule of Law Crisis: EU in Limbo Between Federalism and Flexible Integration (book chapter), in The EU between Federal Union and Flexible Integration: Interdisciplinary European Studies. Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, A., Ekman, P., Michalski, A. & Oxelheim, L. (eds). Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.

Explaining Continuity and Change: The Case of the Euratom Treaty, International Journal of Constitutional Law (Volume 20, Issue 2, April 2022).

The Birth of the Principle of Close Cooperation, Declaration of Competences, and the Ruling Procedure: Ruling 1/78 (book chapter), in EU External Relations Law: The Cases in Context, Graham Butler & Ramses A. Wessel (eds), Hart Publishing, 2022.

Coronakrisen, EU och folkhälsa: En fråga om befogenhet? Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift Årgång 123 · 2021/5.

IAEA: The EU’s Rule in International Nuclear Energy Policy (book chapter) in Research Handbook On The European Union’s Engagement With International Organisations, Ramses A. Wessel & Jed Odermatt (eds), Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018, pp 240-254.

Euratom at the Crossroads (monograph), Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018 (shortened and focused version of my dissertation the EUI (2014)