Lärlingsutbildning – Svenska erfarenheter och initiativ i ett europeiskt perspektiv (2014:4)

Författare: Olofsson Jonas

The so-called dual apprenticeship system, which is used in for example Germany, has often been viewed as a remedy for the high unemployment among young people in the EU. In this report, Professor Jonas Olofsson compares the apprenticeship systems in Austria, Denmark, England, Germany and Norway in order to draw lessons from different practices.

He concludes that a number of basic prerequisites are lacking in Sweden, such as clear operating systems and support structures. He also argues that the EU Alliance for Apprenticeships should be supplemented by concrete strategies so as to create common rules and minimum requirements for apprenticeship systems in the EU.

The publication is part of SIEPS´ research project EU and EMU after the economic crisis.

Note: The publication is in Swedish only.