Brussels Advocates Swedish Grey Wolves (2011:8epa)

January 2011 • Darpö Jan


The Swedish wolf-hunting policy is today an issue high on the EU agenda. The European Commission has questioned the Swedish management plan for wolves and the Swedish government has replied by replacing the 2012 licensed hunting with extended protective hunting.

A New Proportionality Test for Fundamental Rights? (2011:7epa)

January 2011 • Strand Magnus , Lind Anna-Sara


In this analysis, the authors scrutinizes the method of the Court of Justice of the European Union when balancing diverging or even opposing interests protected by EU law. The starting point is two joined cases, where the two authors are critical of the Court’s reasoning and argues that the Court sacrifices the fundamental interest of transparency in order to protect other interests, especially the protection of personal data.

Upphandling och arbete i EU (2010:3)

January 2010 • Bruun Niklas , Ahlberg Kerstin


Is it permissible, according to EU law, to take social considerations into account in the field of public procurement? Could one, for instance, promote gender equality, integration of disabled persons and good working conditions? The authors of the report Public Procurement and Labour in the EU believes that this is the case, but argues that Sweden could use this scope better than today. The report is in Swedish, but contains a summary in English.

Immigration Policy for Circular Migration (2010:4)

January 2010 • Lundborg Per


Circular migration has become a central concept for the future EU migration policy, implying that migrants should be encouraged to move repeatedly between the country of origin and the host country. In this SIEPS report, the author investigates the relevant literature and discusses problems that might arise when forming a migration policy that promotes movement.


Year of publication


