Bernd Parusel
Senior Researcher in Political Science
Bernd Parusel is a senior researcher in political science. His main research interests are in policies on migration, integration, asylum and borders in the EU and in the Member States of the EU. This also includes the Schengen area, visa policies and free movement within the EU.
Bernd holds a PhD from the University of Osnabrück, Germany. His doctoral thesis examined the origins of EU policies on labour immigration from third countries. He studied political science at the Freie Universität Berlin and during exchange studies in Naples, Italy.
Before joining SIEPS, Bernd worked as an expert at the Swedish Migration Agency where he was responsible for activities within the European Migration Network (EMN). He also worked as a research coordinator at the Swedish Migration Studies Delegation (Delmi) and as an adviser to a government-appointed commission on the future of Swedish migration policy (SOU 2020:54).
Selection of recent publications
2022: The Ukrainian Refugee Situation: Lessons for EU Asylum Policy, SIEPS European Policy Analysis 2022:16epa (with Valeriia Varfolomieieva)
2022: Should They Stay or Should They Go? Frontex’s fundamental rights dilemma, SIEPS European Policy Analysis 2022:22epa.
2021: ”Why resettlement quotas cannot replace asylum systems”, Forced Migration Review 68, 10-12.
2020: Pieces of the Puzzle: Managing Migration in the EU. Brussels / Stockholm: European Liberal Forum / Fores.
2020: Legal migration for work and training, Mobility options to Sweden for those not in need of protection. Stockholm: Delegationen för migrationsstudier, Rapport 2020:2.
2017: Reforming the Common European Asylum System – Responsibility-sharing and the harmonisation of asylum outcomes. Stockholm: Delegationen för migrationsstudier, Rapport 2017:9 (med Jan Schneider).
2017: ”Unaccompanied minors in the European Union – definitions, trends and policy overview”. Social Work & Society, 15(1).
2016: Sweden’s asylum procedures. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung.
2015: ”Solidarity and fairness in the Common European Asylum System – failure or progress?” Migration Letters 12(2), 124–136.